The Criminal attack on Ukraine.

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The Criminal attack on Ukraine.

Post by Homestar »

It seems like a no brainer. Putin is evil like Hitler. Correct?
Well that seems a bit simple to say doesn’t it?
If we peel a few layers of the “ Global interest “ onion what do we find?
What does the main stream media FAIL to tell us? And is it an INTENTIONAL failure?
To keep us ignorant and dumbed down?
Sadly we lack news reporters only to be given news readers. There in-lies the problem but I digress.
I have a video to share to help put a thought filled narrative into your brains.
I follow information from Russel Brand.
Set aside if you have thoughts he is simply a Hollywood weirdo. I thought that in the beginning.
Take a listen, he has now 5 Million subscribers.
I now respect and appreciate his opinions.
He is left of center but his reporting on global issues is approached intellectually and I appreciate that.
Judge for yourself the validity and accuracy of his reporting that I find to be far from being that of a news reader.
Please remember to keep any reply here intellectual. No need for this tragedy of war to be made political. Thanks.
Dean ( Homestar )
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Re: The Criminal attack on Ukraine.

Post by bonehill »


this guy Russell Brand,

you project

He is an intellectual ass hole firing from the left wing - Putin is simply an evil monster, bastard,bad boy, criminal, gangster, call him what you will but he needs to be taken out. No excuse for the way he is wiping out the ukraine community and we will have to call him out sooner than later. Fress it upall you like.

'' Thank you Russell! It is refreshing to have someone research and talk openly about the complexities of what is going on in Ukraine.''

-''As long as you explain it so eliquently'' - Russell go and live in Moscow
if you love it so much

Refreshing my butt, its not refreshing, just murder justification

best regards

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Re: The Criminal attack on Ukraine.

Post by Borch »

I tried to watch this video, but the guy is all over the place and it is pretty obvious that he is into having people watch his videos. Don't really know what he was trying to say, but he needs to have a soapbox outside on a street corner somewhere so it is possible to walk past him.
It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.
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Re: The Criminal attack on Ukraine.

Post by 10001110101 »

bonehill wrote: Fri Mar 11, 2022 7:35 pm
this guy Russell Brand,

you project

He is an intellectual ass hole firing from the left wing -

Not any more. He's pandering to the right/far right now. He hasn't found a conspiracy he doesn't love in quite a while now. I think he's figured out he can make a very good living keeping those folks riled up about everything...
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Re: The Criminal attack on Ukraine.

Post by bonehill »

You could be right there Binary but Russell Brand still needs to be called out for what he is intellectual asshole firing from the left wing. I have no problems with intellectuals or left wingers I may add!
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Re: The Criminal attack on Ukraine.

Post by Homestar »

Holy cow .. It didn't take long for a war post to turn political. Eeeek! gads!
‘ Laughing on the outside crying on the inside .. ☹
I suppose now the post will be deleted. ( hope not )
Why everything turns political. It's about us, . ☹
Words spoken by Trump can be known as genius when told to a leftwing crowd that Obama said it.
Words spoken by Obama can be known as treacherous to a leftwing crowd until they find out it was Obama that said it.
Trump can tell a lie and it can be completely disregarded by his supporters and the telling moment is disregarded.
Nearly every one of us is susceptible to have our good sense thrown about by politicians.
If someone says they believe Russell Brand is nothing more than a ( fill in the blank ) without giving a reasonable review to a reasonable argument, which I believe his is .. then we end up staying in our own bubbles and divided.

Edit: I read my post over and not sure I hit all my points or even if I hit them correctly.
I agree with a lot of what Bonehill said. Putin is public enemy number one, and needs a bullet in his head.
This is why I titled the thread " Criminal attack on Ukraine"
Our media calling it " War in Ukraine" does a huge disservice to what Putin's action really is. A crime!
It's a crime, not a war. Crime in Ukraine. They need to get that narrative correct!
I encouraged people to go beyond general understanding since our media cannot be trusted to tell us all the facts.
I believe his invasion started WW3. He ain't stopping with Ukraine. China is going to become emboldened. His invasion is a world catastrophe unless a miraculous thing such as losing in Ukraine happens.
Our official narrative is weak, and our president 'sleepy Joe' is a tired old man.

Our position has always been peace through strength. Joe has no strength. I believe The POTUS should have showed strength with a harsher warning to Putin BEFORE the invasion started..
Biden wanted to take Trump out behind the gym to kick Trump's ass but we see now Biden is weak like Jimmy Carter. ( IMO )
The narrative of starting WW3 should be dumped on Putin's lap not ours. Settle that BS now, not later. ( IMO )
WW3 should not be said to be started by an American response rather it should be said Putin will start WW3 if he invades Ukraine. Those words were never spoken.
My 2 cents.
In 1961 NATO adopted the strategic doctrine of "Massive Retaliation” – if the Soviet Union attacked, NATO would respond with nuclear weapons. The intended effect of this doctrine was to deter either side from risk-taking since any attack, however small, could have led to a full nuclear exchange. I'm not sure if Ukraine's not being a member of NATO that this doctrine does not apply? IDK. Probably.
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